Sunday, February 10, 2008

This music video, to a person just watching it for the first time, may seem kinda creepy. If you pay close attention during the music solo parts, the group incorporates extra feelings with clips of movies about a man's pain and suffering. With listening to the song's lyrics, one would think the man's pain and suffering comes as a result of serving his country in the military. It becomes obvious that the man with the box looking thing over his face has something terribly wrong with him. A man in the movie clip states he understands what the man is trying to say through Morse Code, being a result that he cannot speak, see, or hear anything. The man is wishing that the people taking care of him stop, and let him die. I'm not going to lie, the movie clips freak me out, from the idea of not being able to see, speak, or hear anything. Just as the song goes, war has taken all his joys, all his happiness, all his reasons for living.
I think the point Metallica is trying to make is sometimes (more often than not), our government makes us do things we don't want to do; in this case, go to war. They're willing to sacrifice one person for the betterment of others. As a result, that one person's life is, as stated in the song, "left me with life in hell". I never payed much attention to lyrics of rock songs. Being a musician myself, I usually just listen to the awesome sound they produce. I should pay more attention to detail. I could see myself listening to a song in town, and it would offend someone because of the lyrics, and I wouldn't understand why because I'm busy listening to the music rather than the lyrics. Though, now, I pay more attention to detail and understand why they wrote that song, rather than just listening to the musicianship. I would have to say Metallica is one of my favorite rock groups.

1 comment:

Anthony Diers said...


I love Metallica, they are an awesome band. "One" is arguably my favorite song by the band. The song makes a resolute point, and illustrates a vivid picture of the horrors of war, and what it can do to someone internally and externally. As far as meaning goes, you totally nailed it. It is a beautifully executed tune(which sounds ironic due to the dark and depressing features of the song). The song is about a wounded soldier of war who wishes he would wake up from the nightmare of his present reality. Also, how he yearns for death: an alternate escape from what the war has turned him into. James Hetfield is a poet, not to mention a very talented musician (along with the rest of Metallica's lineup). I like the politics in this clip. If you're into political music, I would also recommend the bands Muse and the MC5 (I'm assuming you've already listen to/heard Rage Against the Machine). Rock on man.